Detailing Architecture
One of the major competencies to achieve when studying architecture is to understand how buildings are built and how, through detailing and physical construction, they are realized from the initial concept.
At the moment, a helpful tool for understanding how the detailing of a building and the incorporated sequences of material, assembly, and finishes influence the overall design is in deficit. Existing literature is either too professional or too generic to the inherent processes necessary to reflect the detail of a building - understanding it similar to a genetic code of its concept. The objective of this publication aims to unfold the detailing process in a step-by-step approach, making every step explicit and comprehensible. The publication will reference the outlined concept of two existing
buildings - in this case, a single family energy efficient home in Germany, and a refurbishment project in Toronto - illuminating their contexts as well as clarifying their comprehensive building approaches.
This investigation, which aims to find a method that appropriately systemizes the sequential steps of construction so that the architectural details can be critically reflected on and further inform future designs.
By purchasing this book you agree to not copy, reproduce, create derivative works, or redistribute the content. Detailing Architecture (c) Paul Floerke, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, 2019.
Please preview 25 of 200 pages in a flip book copy by following this link: purchase a pdf copy form this page and if wished purchase a hard copy at: By purchasing this book you agree to not copy, reproduce, create derivative works, or redistribute the content. Detailing Architecture (c) Paul Floerke, Department of Architecture, Ryerson University, 2019.